Meet the band
Part & Parcel embodies a musical mixture of many styles and backgrounds, conceived locally amidst Denver’s booming music scene. Formed in the summer of 2016, these longtime friends decided to take their shared love of string music and cultivate it into a progressive, energy-fueled passion project. Part & Parcel’s dynamic sound blends elements of funk, punk, folk, rock and bluegrass. The band’s strong focus on blending songwriting and improvisation inspires a devoted and ever-growing fan base.
Although Part & Parcel possesses your classic bluegrass instrumentation, the band is impressively genre-fluid. Their defining feature is the fact that they draw such a diverse crowd. From funk and bluegrass to metal and punk, they play it all. Fans will find themselves tapping their toes to a fiddle tune one minute, then head banging to a righteous rock song the next. The dance floors at Part & Parcel shows are consistently packed, feet always stomping and booties shaking.